Day 171 - Peanut

Not the nut, the card game!

We played cards until way later than we should have. At least 30 rounds were played.

Cards flew in every direction. Hands were slapped and records were demolished! 

It was a great way to end the trip.

I am thankful that our trip has been so much fun.

I am thankful that we will get to do it again in just a few weeks for Christmas.

- Victoria 
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Day 170 - How Ironic

Spending a year writing about being thankful everyday... You'd think I would have made double sure to post on Thanksgiving!

Alas, it was not to be. 

We did have a fabulous Thanksgiving though. Spent time with family that we don't get to see often. 

We ate way too much.

We slept too long afterwards!

All in all it was a fantastic day. 

Plus, look at this gorgeous pie!

I am thankful for family.

I am thankful for good food.

I am thankful that I was able to sleep after a 3 hour nap! 

- Victoria 
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Day 169 - Pit Stop Posting

This post is being brought to you from the passenger seat of a moving vehicle. Better type fast before I get car sick!

On the busiest travel day of the year, the husband and I are making our way 7 hours up to west Texas. 

Family and friends await us tonight... And hopefully a toasty warm house! 

The husband is keeping the car freezing!

I am thankful that our trip has been a safe one so far. I pray that it continues in that vein.

I am thankful that I was able to cook all the food yesterday and today! So I will be able to really enjoy the time with family, rather than being stuck in a different room all day.

I am thankful that I wrote this whole post, short thought it is, without getting sick!

Please forgive any typos :-)

- Victoria 
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Day 168 - Always

God is so good to me and my husband.

We do the Dave Ramsey "Financial Peace" budgeting system which has been a huge blessing to us. But it does mean that tough choices about money have to be made every month!

We always have enough, but there are occasionally things that we chose not to do in order to make bigger payments elsewhere.

December was to be one of those months. We had a few things that we weren't going to get to do with/for our family.

But today I got a seemingly random call for a very large custom tailoring job.... for the exact amount we had forgone!

I am thankful that God is always looking out for us. Not just when I specifically ask for something.

I am thankful that even when we don't have it all, when always have enough.

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Day 167 - I Forgot!

Nothing like waking up Monday morning to the frightening realization that you are a day off on your lesson plans and the things that you originally thought you needed to get ready for tomorrow are actually needed TODAY!


Fortunately I have amazing team mates here at school who helped me pull everything together.

And my class stepped up and really got hard to work first thing in the morning. They are such a blessing!

I am thankful that I have such amazing people, both big and little, all around me here at school.

I am thankful that everything got done and it even got done early!

I am thankful that today is the last full day of school before the break ;-)

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Day 166 - Super Short Sunday

Husband woke up sick again. So ready for him to be well!

Please pray that he will be well for the holidays (and that I will stay well). We will be traveling up to West Texas this week to visit his family.

I am thankful that he has been able to work through this illness. Working from home has been such a huge blessing this week.

I am thankful that we are so close to getting to spend time with family.

I am thankful that I'm finally getting to use my heater at home! Praise God for winter!

Praying that you and yours stay/get well this week.

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Day 165 - Busy, Busy

The holiday season is always so much fun, but man is it busy!

I look forward to January when things slow down a little, but for now I'm trying to remember to enjoy the hustle and bustle.

I am thankful for the time spent with my husband as we rushed from store to store.

I am thankful for the conveniently placed Chick-fil-a in the middle of no where just when we were starving.

I am thankful to be home after 12 long hours of errands!

Goodnight all!

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Day 164 - Baby It's Cold Outside

I am so thrilled today. 

Yesterday was 79 and muggy outside.

Today it's rainy and cold... well it's 48 anyway. Which is cold here in South Texas!

The cold and rain make me feel so alive. So invigorated and ready to take on anything.

I'm ecstatic! Looking forward to a cold and rainy weekend :-)

I am thankful for the change in weather today, even if I had to drive in the massive thunderstorm that brought it.

I am thankful that the rain seems to have lightened to a slight drizzle, rather than said thunderstorm!

I am thankful to have two days off to enjoy it even more.

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Day 163 - Sweet Thanks of a Five Year Old

Today we really started gearing up for Thanksgiving in my class. We did all sorts of Thanksgiving related crafts and worksheets.

It was so sweet to listen to them give thanks to God during prayer time.

While we may think about our home or our family (and those were mentioned by the kids too!), they also prayed things like, "Thank you God for healing me when I am sick".

"Thank you God for letting my mom have a good day, even when I'm not with her."

"Thank you God for making the most beautiful rainbow yesterday." 

"Thank you God that we have food to eat when so many don't."

And on and on it went.

They are so sweet and I am so blessed to be a part of helping to grow their Thankful Hearts!

I am thankful to really see the fruits of my effort with these kids this year.

I am thankful that we get to give thanks year round, and not just during one season.

I am thankful that God listens to our troubles and worries, even when we forget to give thanks every day.

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Day 162 - Exhausted

Just a few more days... I can make it... we can make it. Thanksgiving is coming!

As much as a love my little class, I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving break. Time with friends and family... and hopefully a little more sleep!

No matter how much sleep there is to be had, I am somehow not getting enough!

I am thankful that we have a break coming up. It's so nice to work somewhere that actually gets a Thanksgiving break!

I am thankful that I love my class so much that even though I am looking forward to the break, I will miss them terribly.

I am thankful that it's almost bedtime! *smile*

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Day 161 - Anniversary

Today is my 8th wedding anniversary. I can't believe how the years have flown by.

At some points it feels like just a moment since our wedding, and at other points it seems a lifetime.

But even though some of our marriage has been rocky - I wouldn't trade a single second of those years. Because I know we are stronger for them.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this man is my true helpmate in life. And I am so blessed to be his.

8 years ago I had no idea how hard marriage was going to be. I didn't know that it would be the best and the worst thing in my life... sometimes both at the same time.

Thank you my darling husband. You are such a blessing. I pray every day that I can be as wonderful and loving to you as you never cease to be to me.

(Don't tell him I said any of this... he is so terribly shy about how awesome he is!)

I am thankful that God chose to bless me with such a wonderful, kind, patient, and loving husband.

I am thankful that God has protected our relationship through all our trials.

I am thankful that my husband is a godly man who wants God to be in our marriage. Who doesn't mind that God needs to protect it, but instead prays that He will.

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Day 160 - Sick again

I was sick last week, but now it's my poor, sweet husband.

In our eight years of marriage he has only been sick about 3-4 times (and 2 of those times were on our anniversary, which is tomorrow!).

I am thankful that over the course of our marriage my husband has been healthy more often than not. 

I am thankful that I get to be the one to take care of him when he does get sick.

I am thankful that he is always willing to take care of me when I am sick, which sadly has been more often than not.

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Day 159 - Celebrate!

Happy birthday to my oldest younger brother! :-)

I know it's not until tomorrow, but we're celebrating today with a family lunch, so I'm saying it today.

Sam was gracious enough to let me get married the day after his 18th birthday, which then got eclipsed by the wedding.

But, he got me back by getting married 5 years later on that very same day. It's alright though, he saved me a dance :-)

So happy birthday Sam, my little brother who is now a foot taller than me.

I am thankful that I have such a wonderful family that I enjoy spending time with.

I am thankful that homemade food and great conversation is now the preferred type of birthday party. Chuck-E-Cheese would have been a little awkward this year.

I am thankful that the family gets to celebrate another great year of your life. Love you Sam!

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Day 158 - Shopping in the Rain

Our "quick jaunt" turned into a full day of running around in the drizzle.

Yet we return victorious! Well, 50% victorious anyway... Half the Christmas shopping is done. :-)

It is so crazy to think that we are this close to Christmas. Trying not to get overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done!

I hope you are having a restful weekend :-)

I am thankful that everything is coming together so well.

I am thankful that my husband is always so willing to help in any way he can.

I am thankful that we are well within our budget for everything we need to get!

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Day 157 - Alive

I am so thankful to be alive this evening!

Seriously, the number of near missing in traffic on my way home were staggering.

Thank you Jesus for getting me to the weekend! Even if it is going to be a hot weekend.

I am thankful that my safety has nothing to do with those around me, but rests solely in the powerful hands of God.

I am thankful that we had a taste of winter this week.

I am thankful for bug spray to keep away the inevitable swarm of mosquitoes this warmer weather is sure to bring.

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Day 156 - Thanksgiving

Today I am very thankful for this season of thanksgiving.

Not just the holiday, but idea that everyone should be thankful during this time of year.

I have been finding thankfulness in everyday life for the past 155 days, but now I'm seeing so many others join into this thankful mindset! I hope that we can all keep it going for even longer than just November.

I am thankful for the mindset of thanksgiving. It covers a multitude of issues.

I am thankful to see so many others being thankful, rather than seeing complaints on social media all day! (I'm guilty of this too, I'm not pointing any fingers!!)

I am thankful that there are still so many days left in November. Many more days to enjoy the thanksgiving of others :-)

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Day 155 - Rest

Sicks days are not fun. I feel the burden of my responsibilities weighing on me as I sleep away the day.

Things I could be, should be, doing... but I'm not. I'm sick.

But God has shown us through His resting on the 7th day of creation that it is ok to rest. He even commands that we take the Sabbath to rest and glorify Him.

I am thankful that I have the luxury of taking some time to rest and recover.

I am thankful that my God says that resting is a good thing!

I am thankful that I will be ready for work tomorrow.

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Day 154 - Sick Day

Well, I'm sick.

But I have a fabulous school that took care of finding a sub so I can stay home and rest.

I am thankful for a day to really rest and come back strong for my class.

I am thankful that I know many people will be praying for a quick recovery.

Wishing you a wonderful and well evening.

- Victoria 
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Day 153 - Blessing or Curse

God has me studying the story of Joseph still.

Man that story really puts things into perspective for me.

Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery. Yet he praised and trusted God. He was rewarded for his attitude and work ethic with a promotion to "head slave".

During this period of reward, he was falsely accused and thrown in jail.

Yet he praised and trusted God.

Again, he was rewarded for his actions with a promotion to "head prisoner".

After twenty years of roller coaster living, Joseph found himself facing the very people who had thrown him into slavery. Only, Joseph was no longer the same little brother who had been forced into slavery; he was the right hand of the Pharaoh of Egypt. 

He could have exacted his revenge. He could have done any number of things to get even with his brothers. But instead he comforted them after revealing his true identity.

Genesis 45:4-8
4 Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will be no plowing and reaping. But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. 8 "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God.

Joseph knew who held his fate. It wasn't up to his brothers to decide what his lot in life was to be; it was up to God. God had used his brothers to bring good to Joseph. And moreover, it brought glory to God.

God help me to remember that in all things I must praise You. In all things You are to be glorified and in all things You work to the good of those who love You.

Thank You God for Your faithfulness. I am so thankful that I don't have to worry about You letting me down. You are exactly who You are and You will remain so for all of eternity.

I am thankful that God is willing to speak to me everyday through His word.

I am thankful that no matter what the world claims is a hardship or a curse, I can stand firm in the knowledge that God is working to bless me in ways I could never dream!

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Day 151 & 152 - Super Short Sunday, with My Apologies

Wow. Did yesterday even happen? It went by in such a blur that I didn't even realize I hadn't posted until just now!

I guess that's what happens when you are up and out of the house by 5:30am and don't get home until 10pm! My deepest apologies.

In 365 days of daily posting, I'm sure this won't be the only time I run out of hours in the day :-)

Thank you for bearing with me!

I am thankful that the sun shone all day yesterday and allowed us to work outside on our projects.

I am thankful that I got to take a short break to attend the birthday party of one of the kids in my class. I was blessed to hear that she said this to her mother the night before the party; "I must be really special if Mrs. P. is coming to my birthday party! I really feel that in my heart mama. I must be really special!" So sweet :-)

I am thankful that, even though I am COVERED in mosquito bites, at least they aren't deadly for me!

Have a great rest of your weekend!

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Day 150 - Truth {Five Minute Friday}

Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minutes Friday.


Some days I wish I could just run and hide from the truth.

The ugly truths...

I don't have kids yet.

I don't look like I used to, thanks to a terrible illness that has ravaged my life.

I have said terrible illness.

I still have lots of school debt.

and on and on those ugly truths go.

But the beautiful truths are there too.

God is preparing my heart and mind through this time of childlessness for something greater than I can possibly imagine.

God is teaching me to see others more by their inner beauty and for their stories, than for their outward appearance.

God is working through Candida to teach me patience and trust.

God shows every day that He will provide for my family. Though we do have lots of debt, God always makes sure there is enough money.

and on and on God's faithfulness goes.

You see, when I think only of myself -  "I need... I want... I wish..." - I tend to only see the ugly truth.

But when I focus on God - "God is faithful... God is just... God is merciful..." - I get to see the beautiful truth.

I am thankful that God continues to be faithful to me.

I am thankful that He continues to keep His promises, even when my heart attitude isn't right.

I am thankful that He offers no end to second chances... I just wish I didn't need so many!

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Day 149 - End of the Day

I am thankful to be going to sleep tonight next the man I cherish.

I am thankful that tomorrow brings new hope, even amidst new challenges.

I am thankful that I get to walk alongside God every step of the way.

- Victoria 
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Day 148 - Joseph the Slave

The Bible tells us that Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery, that he was falsely accused by his owners wife, and that he was unjustly imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit.

And what did he do?

He praised God, witness to those in jail, and preformed his duties so well while in jail that he was promoted!

Please God keep Joseph in my heart. Help me remember that no matter what my circumstances, You are with me. You have promises to never leave me or forsake me.

My attitude is not dependent on my situation, but rather on my relationship with You. When I am right with You, the world ceases to matter.

I am thankful for that reminder this morning during Bible time.

I am thankful that the Bible continues to speak truths into today's lives.

I am thankful that I am able to freely rejoice in those truths without fear of punishment!

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Day 147 - Tiny Tuesday

Today I am thankful for Mexican Cokes. Or Coca Cola made with Imperial Sugar, in Mexico.

I know. It's awful for me. I know allllll about it. But sometimes, you just need a coke.

I am thankful that even though I'm allergic to the corn syrup in regular cokes, I still get to have Mexican cokes!!

Small thanks for today. But friends, finding the smallest of things to be thankful for today was a huge blessing. Please pray for my thankful heart to continue to grow. I still have so many things that I am thankful for... however, I am feeling completely overwhelmed by the things that are outside of my control.

I know that God is in control. I'm just having a really hard time walking peacefully through the storm.

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Day 146 - Manic Monday

Today was hard, friends. 

So many things are out of my control. So many things I look at and long to fix or change. So many things that I am being asked to "grin and bear".

But! While all things around me seem to be spiraling out of control, I rest in the knowledge that my God is IN control.

I am so thankful that I am not the one in charge of holding this reality in balance, because God does.

I am thankful that I don't have to know every detail of every possible outcome, because God does.

I am thankful that I can trust that God has my best interest in His heart. Even if things look difficult, I know it is for the best.

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Day 145 - Super Short Sunday

I am thankful that the weather stayed cool and sunny all weekend. What a blessing for my outdoor projects!

I am thankful that the patio seating of the restaurant we went to for lunch today had a heater ;-)

I am thankful that I got an extra hour of sleep last night and that when I woke up it was still pretty early!

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Day 144 - Hard Work

The husband and I spent all day working on a Murphy Bed that we are building. 

It was great fun, but man am I tired!

I am thankful that, even despite my many ailments, I am still able to get out and put in a full 12 hours of hard labor.

I am thankful that I have wonderful, kind, helpful people all around me who are willing to pitch in when needed.

I am thankful that our project is turning out so well, despite a few early setbacks!

Good night and don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight!

- Victoria 
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Day 143 - Grace {Five Minute Friday}


The word leapt off the page at me when I went to check Lisa-Jo's site. And to think, I almost didn't participate in this week's Five Minute Friday.

Something happened in my class this week that made me want to scream and shout and stomp my feet, and just throw a big ol' Texas-style hissy fit. But I'm so glad I didn't.

I was upset. I was hurt. I was disappointed. I was sad.

I wanted to drive home the reality of the situation to the children who had been involved.

I wanted them to understand exactly what they had done.

But, miraculously, God stayed my tongue. Feeling pretty good about how I handled the situation, I was walking a little arrogantly today. For shame, I know.

Then I realized that this is how God treats me everyday.

I do things that upset Him, that hurt Him, that disappoint Him, and that cause Him sadness.

Yet He doesn't rub my noise in my failures, He guides me to grow through my mistakes when I repent. And He loves me still.

Thank you God for giving me grace so abundantly that I may pass it along, knowing that I am so undeserving and so unable to pass judgment. 

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