Day 312 - Countdown

The last few days of school are upon us. I repeat, the last few days of school are upon us!

Twelve last days, to be exact... and my class is counting every moment!

Each morning we cross another day off of our countdown board, and each morning there are hoots and hollers, tears and cheers.

Some are ecstatic to be moving up... others cry and wring their hands because they don't want to leave me.

I can totally understand the mix of emotions here. As much as I love them and have had many good days with them over the course of this year... I am so looking forward to summer!

I am thankful that I have had such a great class this year; that I have gotten to love them and pour my heart and God's love into them for nine months.

I am thankful that the lessons I have taught them will not be forgotten, but continued and reinforced with the other teachers at this school.

I am thankful that God has given me the love and wisdom to guide them. I pray that I have done my best in His sight.

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