Day 148 - Joseph the Slave

The Bible tells us that Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery, that he was falsely accused by his owners wife, and that he was unjustly imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit.

And what did he do?

He praised God, witness to those in jail, and preformed his duties so well while in jail that he was promoted!

Please God keep Joseph in my heart. Help me remember that no matter what my circumstances, You are with me. You have promises to never leave me or forsake me.

My attitude is not dependent on my situation, but rather on my relationship with You. When I am right with You, the world ceases to matter.

I am thankful for that reminder this morning during Bible time.

I am thankful that the Bible continues to speak truths into today's lives.

I am thankful that I am able to freely rejoice in those truths without fear of punishment!

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