Day 60 - Where My Focus Should Be

Pulling into the driveway of a house I'd never been to before, I felt the butterflies flutter around in my stomach.

It's the ninth house I've looked at in less than a month. Five of those houses we've put bids on. And we've lost them all.

So many thoughts rush through my mind...

It's on a cul-de-sac, I like that.

I like the landscaping in the front yard.

I wish I wasn't seeing this house alone.

Did I write down the time wrong? Where is my agent?

I really hope this is the one.

God, help me to keep my hopes under control. I don't want them to be dashed again.

After ten minutes of waiting, my agents pulls up and we walk to the front door. Several minutes of fiddling with the lock box and we're finally in.

It's a small house and it doesn't take me long to to a thorough walk-through.

I hear myself tell her that I'd like to put a bid on the house and she says she will submit it right away... but on the inside I'm doing my best to remain detached.

Forty-five minutes later, I am back home and doing my best to put the issue out of my mind. It's difficult, but I know there are more important things to focus on.

A verse comes into my mind and I remember where my true focus should be.

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. 
Psalm 37:4
I am thankful that God is in control.

I am thankful that I can focus on Him and He will sort out all the details that I am tempted to worry about.

I am thankful that God gives me the mental and emotional strength to deal with the ups and downs of this house hunting experience!

How long did you have to look before buying your first home? How did you get through the process?

Linking up with A Royal Daughter for {Desire to Inspire}.


  1. I'm sorry your having such a hard time getting a house. It's out there and it will be perfect when it finds you. That's usually how that sort if thing goes. I know the frustration of the unfulfilled quest. That very specifically shaped hole in your heart, and life. Brave heart Tegan. <3

    1. Thanks Sean :-) I know it's out there too! I'm reminding myself almost hourly that God has not forgotten about us and that He knows exactly where we should be! <3

  2. I'm sorry your having such a hard time getting a house. It's out there and it will be perfect when it finds you. That's usually how that sort if thing goes. I know the frustration of the unfulfilled quest. That very specifically shaped hole in your heart, and life. Brave heart Tegan. <3


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