I want to be thankful.
I want to be joyful.
I want to be fulfilled.
These things I so desperately want and ask God to grant them to me... I beg for them to be granted.
This thought flitted across my mind yesterday as I prayed and studied my Bible. Why am I not feeling those emotions which I crave. Is my life really so difficult that I should throw myself at the feet of God day in and day out, pleading for that which is not given.
I don't want to spend the relatively short days I have on here on this earth craving that which I have not been granted, while missing out on the vast gifts and blessings that have been bestowed upon me.
Not just things like "I am thankful for my marriage" or "I am thankful for my job"... but the littlest of things. The tiniest, most miniscule of blessings that get trampled and overlooked in my hectic bustle of everyday life.
The simplest of things are still a blessing from God.
With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, I am embarking on this journey. I have no idea what this next year holds for me. So to commit to being thankful day in and day out, regardless or what comes my way, is a little frightening.
However, I cannot wait to see where God takes me in this season of growth.
Please join me here every morning with your Thankful Heart and post your thanks in the comments.

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