Day 86 - Home Is Where The Heart Is

Recently we began looking for a house. Our first house.

We put in bid after bid and lost them all. Until mid-August...

We won the bid on a beautiful house and were so excited to move in and start settling into our first home.

Less than 24 hours later, we had to give up the contract due to a mix-up by our realtor.

After some disappointment, we decided to finally start making our current apartment our home.

I know that sounds weird, of course it's our home, but it didn't really feel like a home. There were pictures on the walls, but that was about it.

Our furniture was haphazardly placed around the room. Piles of books lay here and there. There were no "little touches" that make a house a home.

I hadn't wanted to put in the time to add those little touches, because I didn't think we would be here that long. But should that matter?

Starting today, this house (even if it is just an apartment), is going to be our home. 

It may take some time, effort, and a little money, but I know it will be worth it in the end.

All the physical and decorative things aside, home is where the heart is... and my heart is where ever my love is. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man by my side.

I am thankful for a mom and mom-in-law who love to "hand wave" and decorate.

I am thankful for a husband who understands my desire to make our apartment a home and is will willing to help in whatever way he can.

I am thankful for Craigslist. Beautiful oak china cabinet with beveled glass doors for $99?? Yes please!!

 What makes your house feel like home?

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